Customer Service

by | Mar 17, 2014 | Marketing, Advertising, and PR

One of our staff members saw a post on a friend’s timeline that commented on the service of a local business. The status update remarked about how nice it was to be recognized, warmly welcomed, asked about family members who weren’t on the shopping trip and then thanked for their business.

The same staff member also witnessed an interaction at a local grocery store. A customer walked up to a busy customer service counter and stood there while a couple of difficult transactions were handled. The employees behind the counter could have easily glanced up, made eye-contact and apologized for the wait. Instead, they never acknowledged the customer. After several minutes, he turned on his heel and walked out of the store.

The human element is something that can’t be bought like radio ads or billboards. Make sure your company doesn’t overlook the proper hiring and training of those employees who interact most with your customers. A company can spend thousands or millions of dollars on self-promotion, but ultimately, the customer experience will increase or decrease your sales.

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Media Link Inc. is a strategic marketing solutions firm providing its customers with a creative, yet tactical approach to their individual marketing needs.

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