Part-Time Office Manager — Apply Today

by Media Link | Nov 26, 2021 | Uncategorized


Media Link Inc. is a full-service strategic communications and advertising agency located in Rock Island, Illinois. Our 20-year company collaborates with our clients in developing and executing their marketing. We help companies with everything from social media posts to blogs, to websites, to menus/brochures to focus groups to digital and traditional ad campaigns and all marketing duties in between.

Media Link Software® (MLS), a division of Media Link founded 10 years ago is an intuitive system which tracks all forms of media and creates invaluable cross-platform reports. Some of our best features include automatic invoice checking, a tracking system for multiple generations of make-goods, and post-buy analysis.

QC PastPort, Media Link’s newest division, provides destinations where curious minds meet narratives from the past. We do this by offering self-guided, interactive, physical and digital tours throughout the Quad Cities.


We are looking for a meticulous, number-cruncher with a degree in accounting or bookkeeping for an office manager position within our firm. Someone who loves numbers and solving puzzles will thrive in this position. 


In this position, you will be responsible for reconciling media invoices, assist in the development of client proposals and Request for Proposals (RFPs), develop and track applications for Government Registrations and Certifications and you will be responsible for the maintenance and flow of our office. These tasks would include keeping our equipment and systems running, assisting with customer inquiries, maintain our records and assist with budget development and tracking. With this position, there will also be an opportunity to help with remote sales efforts for Media Link products and services. 


This is a weekday, on-site position for 15-25 hours a week with hourly pay, plus commission.


If you are interested in pursuing this position, please send a resume and cover letter to Natalie Linville-Mass at 


Speak with us Today


(309) 786-5142


1902 17th Street, Rock Island, IL 6120

Media Link Inc. is a strategic marketing solutions firm providing its customers with a creative, yet tactical approach to their individual marketing needs.

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