Before becoming a part of the Media Link team, I had no prior experience in media or advertising. After completing my 10-week internship, I can proudly say I gained a lot of knowledge. Not only did I learn a lot of technical skills like analyzing a business’ online presence through Google Analytics, but I also learned some interpersonal skills such as fostering relationships with clients. This opportunity has given me access to learn more about the marketing field while making professional and personal connections I will never forget.
As I head into my second year at the University of Chicago, I will have to declare my major. My time at Media Link will help me make this decision. While I enjoyed my time at Media Link, I know now I will not major in marketing. Despite this realization, I have accumulated a multitude of skills that will be applicable to most occupations.
Working with Media Link exposed me to the charm of the Quad Cities. I am originally from Boston and go to school in Chicago. I have never lived in a place like the Quad Cities before. At first, adjusting to the change was uncomfortable, but Natalie helped me along the way. She also allowed me to appreciate the interconnectivity of the Quad Cities community. Everyone knew each other and relied on each other in some way, no matter how big or small of a role they played in the community. The businesses we worked with helped me learn about the QC culture and its values. Learning how the appeal of the QC despite never living here, was a challenge at first, but eventually this experience enhanced my ability to acclimate and cater to every business.
When you are involved with big corporations, you can sometimes forget the extreme effort and will it takes for a business to thrive and prosper. It is not just the numbers, consultations and money pushing a business, but most importantly the people behind all the operations. This small business allowed me to see this passion behind the scenes. People who live to work are always trying to progress their business and share their services, because they believe it would benefit the community. I only hope to have as much dedication as the people and businesses I worked with this summer.
Overall, this internship was a wonderful opportunity that gave me insight on my future endeavors and long-lasting relationships I would not trade for anything else. Media Link has not only become a place I grew to appreciate, but also a place where I fostered an amazing family.